Episode 29: Find the DASD Helpers

"Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” (Gotta love Mr. Rogers!) Today we are speaking with two of Downingtown Area School District’s (DASD) biggest helpers, Sarah Brooks, Lead Student Assistance Specialist, and Mary Wallin, K-12 Department Leader for School Counselors. Sarah and Mary are sharing with us the roles of Prevention Specialists and School Counselors, as well as other district staff they may work with to support a student and family. We learn the trends they are seeing in school right now, both positives and challenges, and how to access local resources. Sarah and Mary also give us the steps on how handle common struggles including: how to help your child who may be ok in school, but is emotionally and behaviorally different at home, what to do if your child doesn’t want to attend school, and how to work with the school team if your child will be missing school for a prolonged period of time. This conversation truly shows the team approach taken at DASD and how parents can best communicate with their school based supports. Join us!

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Things we mentioned in this episode:

Counseling Staff at DASD

Prevention Specialist Staff at DASD
Behavior Specialists at DASD

Mental Health Services at DASD

Psychology Today has a search tool to find providers near you that do and do not take insurance. 
CTC is launching Parent to Parent Peer Support Groups to provide a safe space for parents to get advice and support from other parents. Learn more about these groups and when they meet!

You can now follow Chrissie on Instagram @ctc_chrissie or on Facebook /@Chrissie.CTC for info from each episode, Parent to Parent blog updates, and other parent resources. You can also email Chrissie at cdziembowski@dtownctc.org We would love to hear from you!

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Be sure to Subscribe/Follow us to get new episodes every other Monday. We would love to hear from you! Please email Chrissie with any questions, comments or other feedback at cdziembowski@dtownctc.org 

Find the episode webpage and previous episodes HERE.

Bethann Cinelli