Hold Your Face

Usually on the days we record a podcast episode I like to share the topic and speaker with my family at dinner that night. It's fun to see what gets interest and what gets an eye roll. The last episode we recorded was about supporting kids to have healthy relationships with Joe Myers from Crime Victim’s Center (the episode is out on March 28th, after this blog post comes out–you can find it here to listen once it is live!). I was explaining that we talked about how to have positive relationships and friendships, and my son, a 3rd grader, asked, “Well, you know who my crush is right?” 

Immediately I thought to myself, “CHRISSIE. HOLD. YOUR. FACE.” All the things we share and say in our podcasts and webinars, and that I read from parenting experts, ran through my brain at light speed. I paused and did my best to keep my expression and voice neutral–calm, cool, collected–and answered, “Oh no, I don’t…who is it?” 

So then as we were cleaning up dinner, then eating some Oreos, he told me all the details about his “crush” (a friend from 1st grade). I asked some general questions and slipped in some information I had just learned earlier in the day about consent and healthy boundaries. We discussed ways he could talk to this person and see if they still had things in common (as they weren’t in the same class now and only interacted very limitedly at recess) and if they found they didn’t actually want to hang out that was ok. 

It was a good conversation and a start to what I hope are lots of casual, frequent conversations about friendships and relationships as he gets older. But the thing that got me and that I kept thinking was, “Oh my gosh, this kid is sharing this with me! On his own! I cannot believe this! Is this really happening?” 

Just like any parent, even though I consume a lot of parenting content and follow experts, it's wild to see these things play out in real life and actually work. It doesn’t get old for me and I am very much right there with those of you reading these words! So that is my real life tip this month: hold your face. 

Last thing–when my co-worker, Aria, told me this post would mark one year since we started this blog I didn’t believe her. How could we have done this for a year already? How have I found things to write about and share 11 times before this?! I am feeling very grateful and humble that I get the opportunity to share these stories, and hopefully support other parents, but also that people actually are reading these posts. Thank you for reading and sharing and coming along on this journey with me and all of us at CTC! 

Last, last thing–you can now follow me on Instagram @ctc_chrissie to see info linked to these blog posts and our podcast episodes and other parent resources I follow and find helpful. If you aren’t already you can also follow CTC’s main account @downingtownctc to stay updated on CTC’s, and our partners, events and programs. See you April!

Bethann Cinelli