Back to school! Or is it back to school? Or back to school…

Back to school is right around the corner and every year the fall brings a sense of new beginnings and excitement, but also stress about the unknowns...though especially this year (similar to last) that unknown factor is climbing a little every day (ahem, looking at you Delta doom). We are also mere weeks away from getting out of “summer mode” and into “school mode” where everyone needs to be real functioning people out the door by 8:15am. 

So I find myself trying to “use my resources”, as my mental health expert friends like to say, so I can try to stay calm--because if I am calm, my kids will be calm. Now, anyone who knows me in real life would likely NOT use the word “calm” to describe me...ever. I can have calm moments...but it's not my overall outward vibe. Assuming others may be feeling similarly, I wanted to share the tools I am looking to for support to stay calm as I navigate this next season and school year. 

Feeling My Feelings

Reading (pretty much all) headlines that pop up in my News app is sure to make my blood pressure rise, and there are just lots of things to do to prep for a new school year, so as things happen, I find it helpful to name my feelings and feel them. “Wow, I am feeling really upset right now; phew, I am feeling overwhelmed.” I name them and often will say them out loud (or in a text to a friend) which helps. Then I try to let them go and focus on the things I can control and what I am presently doing. It is easy to get sucked into tiny stressful details so I am working on pulling back and looking at the big picture. 

Take Tips from the Pros

I actually just went back and rewatched our May parent speaker series event, the “Wellness Reset for Summer” to review some of the common questions and answers around building resiliency for this coming year. Though particularly at the end are several tangible stress management techniques (breathing, meditation, mantras and prompts) that I can use now to de-stress, like taking a deep breath and thinking of something I am grateful for.

Speaking of, one thing I am grateful for is birthdays--why you ask? Well, the other day I was chatting (venting) on the phone with a friend and my daughter overheard me. Once I hung up she came and asked me what I was talking about and I explained that I was concerned about something. She ran and got her “Breathe with Me Barbie” doll (a birthday gift) and pressed her necklace for a guided meditation. We did a meditation together, breathing and affirmations you repeat, and Barbie told me, “I am strong. I am loved. I am unique. I can be anything.” So, I guess if I can be anything... I CAN be a calm parent...or calm-ish.

Stay well and happy back to school!

Bethann Cinelli